IGCSE Overview


Cambridge IGCSE

Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) has served as a benchmark in global education for over three decades. IGCSE is considered the equivalent of the GCSE qualification that students in the United Kingdom take in Year 10-11.

For students in international schools around the world, Cambridge IGCSEs have become the Gold Standard for high school qualifications. IGCSEs signal the completion of secondary school education and are designed for students who wish to progress to A-levels before entering university.

Often, undergraduate programs will specify that incoming students meet certain IGCSE level requirements to gain admission, and top-level schools may require A-level grades. Sometimes, employers may also require applicants to meet minimum requirements in Math and English IGCSEs.


Cambridge Philosophy


As a well-established and internationally recognized program, Cambridge Assessment International Education is committed to excellence in education. Focusing on assessments, Cambridge International understands the value of educational integrity because while summative tests such as the IGCSE exams are indicators of scholastic acumen, assessments are only valuable if they inform the learning process.  

Cambridge International is committed to ensuring fair and accurate assessments for all learners, in order to build student skills, knowledge and understanding. At its core, the Curriculum is committed to deep subject knowledge, conceptual understanding and the development of higher order thinking skills.

Embracing the philosophy of fairness and integrity, Cambridge International is committed to teaching and learning that supports the development of learner attributes such as: 



Students are confident, knowledgeable and ready to take intellectual risks. They are capable of exploring and evaluating ideas, and structuring arguments and thinking in critical and analytical ways. Confident students can communicate and defend views and opinions, while also respecting the views and opinions of others.


Students accept and embrace new challenges, and use creativity, imagination and their own resources to solve problems and find solutions. They are capable of applying knowledge and understanding to solve unfamiliar problems and can flexibly adapt to new situations.

Intellectual engagement

Engaged students are naturally curious, embodying a spirit of inquiry and openness to new ideas. Engaged students connect learning to real world problems on local, national and international levels.


Students understand themselves as learners, and are concerned with both processes and products of their own learning, while developing strategies to become lifelong learners.


Students learn to establish learning goals, collaborate with others, contemplate consequences of their actions and value diverse communities.

Cambridge International


Cambridge International believes that learning happens when students draw on both cognitive and affective resources, developing habits of the mind that help students engage in education. Outcomes are improved when students are involved in their own learning through both metacognition and active learning. 

Metacognition is simply “thinking about thinking,” whereas students become independent learners who can plan, monitor, evaluate and modify learning behaviours. 

Active learning fosters understanding, rather than simply expecting students to memorize facts. Active learning involves the application of understanding to diverse contexts and problems, fostering autonomy and self-efficacy. 

Cambridge Assessment International Education believes that education works best when curriculum, teaching, learning and assessment are closely aligned.